I met Bear [formerly David Gonzalez] – previously known as David Gonzalez, on September 1, 2018. In his description, he was described as a big fluffy guy that loved attention and would “give paw” to get it. I chuckled at his very human-like name and sweet nature, and was immediately drawn to him and thought he was perfect!
I quickly made my way to ARF to meet him, and was constantly calling them to make sure he was still there, since I lived an hour away. Once I got there, I was met with the sweetest, gentlest, and most needy dog I have ever seen. I fell absolutely in love with him right then and there, as he put his paws on my lap and stared at me with those puppy eyes (I know, what is this, a romcom?)
However, there was a bit of an issue. Previously, husband and I agreed to getting a medium sized dog because we lived in a one bedroom apartment. I discussed my concern with the staff at ARF, and they reassured me that he would be a perfect apartment dog, due to his calm nature and need to be right next to you at all times. That’s all the convincing I needed, and I took him home that very day.
When I reached home, I opened the door and yelled, “Surprise!” My husband was unaware of my whereabouts that day, so when he saw Bear, he was very confused and asked, “Whose dog is this?” and I answered, “our dog, silly!” After the initial shock had worn off, he soon came to the realization that we had adopted a 70 pound fluff ball.
It didn’t take long for Bear to become a part of our family, and we truly don’t know what we did to deserve such a wonderful dog. He is the sweetest, cuddliest, and most well-mannered boy. The following year, my husband and I got married. He was included in our engagement pictures, and was the ring “Bearer” at the wedding.
I also want to mention that prior to adopting Bear, I would experience several panic attacks a month due to having anxiety issues. Since we’ve had him, I haven’t experienced a single one. He’s helped me in countless ways, I can’t thank ARF enough for allowing for our paths to cross. I also want to thank the amazing staff for running such a great foundation and helping animals in need. We are so grateful to have Bear, as we’ve had him for 3 years now, and hope to have him for many years to come.”
– Michelle
“He’s helped me in countless ways, I can’t thank ARF enough for allowing for our paths to cross.”
Michelle, ARF Adopter

People Rescuing Animals … Animals Rescuing People®
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