“In May of 2017, My cat passed away with an acute illness, and my heart was broken. I walked into ARF and met gorgeous (he’s a boy!) and decided to take him home. He was friendly at ARF but very timid and shy since the car ride home. By then I understood why he was “returned” from a previous adopter as he isn’t the typical friendly orange tabby. After hiding under a bookcase for over a week, gorgeous (we named him Nacho), slowly came out of his shell to interact with me.
In the beginning, I can tell he had very little trust and experience with humans and it will take a baby steps approach for him to open up to me. A couple of months later, Nacho finally feels comfortable with human touch. He now purrs, plays, naps, and follows me around the house. He completely transformed from being a little fearful to a confident kitty! I love Nacho sooooo much!!“
– Maggie
“He completely transformed from being a little fearful to a confident kitty!”
Maggie, ARF Adopter
People Rescuing Animals … Animals Rescuing People®
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