“As I sit her on my couch watching my incredibly adorable Penny-Pennelope (formerly Sweet Tea) sleep cuddled in a blanket, I am overwhelmed by the gratitude I have towards ARF for connecting me with her 6 years ago. I met Penny when she was being fostered by a close friend. Penny was 18 months old and had been pulled from the Merced Shelter. We took one look at each other and knew it was meant to be. I had just lost my 12-year-old lab mix to cancer the month before.
Penny needed knee surgery, so I applied to be her foster and picked her up the day after her surgery from ARF. She saw me through the crate door and shook the crate with her tail wagging, less than 24 hours after her surgery! Penny has been a Godsend. She is my anti-anxiety medicine, my stress relief, and my constant companion. I cannot thank you enough for saving her from the shelter and bringing her to me.”
– Sarah
“She is my anti-anxiety medicine, my stress relief, and my constant companion.”
Sarah, ARF ADopter

People Rescuing Animals … Animals Rescuing People®
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