Outside Time for Indoor Cats
It’s widely accepted that indoor cats live longer than their outdoor counterparts. Outdoor cats face potentially fatal threats from every direction: cars, roaming dogs, poison, coyotes, antifreeze, hawks, and other cats. They can contract diseases or injuries that they can …
Keep Your Cat in the Box
By Suzanne Hetts, Ph.D. and Dan Estep, Ph.D. Five Things You Must Do Keep the Litter Box Area Odor-Free Keep the Litter Box as Clean as (or Cleaner Than) Your Bathroom Make the Litter Box a Safe Place Provide More …
Cats and Kids
Ten Steps to Follow Choose the Right Cat Proper Introductions Safe Spaces Educate Make it Fun Keep it Safe Do Not Disturb Be a Good Role Model Kids are Not Responsible for the Cat Supervise, Supervise, Supervise
Introducing a Cat to a New Territory
Importance of Confinement The setting at the shelter, the car ride home, and meeting new people can add to your new cat’s stress levels. When introducing your cat into a new home, they’ll need time to adjust. Make the adjustment …
Introducing a New Cat to a Resident Cat
Introducing a new cat to a household of existing cats can be a little tricky. With a bit of preparation and some time and patience you can ensure a smooth introduction and pave the way for peaceful inter-kitty relationships. When …
Introducing a New Cat to a Resident Dog
When bringing a new cat into a home with an existing dog, taking a few precautionary measures and a bit of preparation can mean the difference between a future of peaceful inter-species cohabitation and years of strife. Plopping the two …
Kitten Socialization
Below, you will find a list of things kittens would benefit from being exposed to. For any foster animal that is 16 weeks or younger, we encourage you to keep this list saved for easy access. Make an effort to …
What is Positive Reinforcement?
“The way positive reinforcement is carried out is more important than the amount.” – B.F. Skinner Here at ARF, the method of training we use (for both dogs and cats) is called “positive reinforcement.” Positive reinforcement works by using praise …
How to Play with Cats and Kittens
We’re sure many of you may roll your eyes at the thought of learning how to play with your foster cats and kittens, but we thought we might provide some reminders about how to take advantage of appropriate play. Play …
Post-Operation Instructions and Care
What to Expect After Surgery The dog or cat may be groggy and lethargic up to 24 hours after surgery/anesthesia. This is a normal effect of the pain medication they were provided, but if these symptoms continue and the foster …
Common Post-Anesthesia Cat Behavior
Occasionally after surgery, cats and kittens can have an adverse behavioral reaction to anesthesia. Behaviors you may see include, but are not limited to: hissing, growling, and swatting and may be towards people or other animals including their family members. …