This article is part of our series of informational tips for volunteer foster families.
Consider making a long-term difference through short-term care by signing up to foster animals in need.

Foster Family General Questions
If you are a current ARF foster volunteer and have general questions (including scheduling returns, requesting more supplies, behavior questions, etc), you may contact our team by emailing [email protected], calling the foster office line at (925) 296-3104, contacting the clinic, or texting the foster text line at (925) 285-7007.
See below for the best days/times for each method of communication.
Landed here by mistake and not an ARF foster volunteer? Learn how to contact our team.
- 9 am-4:30 pm: Call the clinic or text the foster text line.
- 9 am-4:30 pm: Call the clinic or text the foster text line.
- 9 am-4:30 pm: Call the clinic or text the foster text line.
- 9-10 am: Call the clinic or text the foster text line.
- 10 am-6 pm: Contact the foster office line or foster text line.
- 9 am-2 pm: Call the clinic or foster text line.
- 2-6:30 pm: Contact the foster office line or foster text line.
- 2-6:30 pm: Contact the foster office line.
- Communication is unstaffed, see below for after-hours medical emergencies.
- Communication is unstaffed, see below for after-hours medical emergencies.
Foster Medical Questions or Concerns
If you have medical questions regarding your foster animals, please email [email protected] or call (925) 296-3125 – Option 1 from the main menu, and Option 1 to access the foster medical line. These points of contact will be checked when the clinic is open (Monday-Friday 9 am-4:30 pm, excluding holidays)
If it is a weekday after 4:30 pm, weekend, or holiday, please do not email or call the above number for items that may be urgent. Instead use the after-hours medical lines below.
After-Hours Medical Emergencies for Foster Animals
If it is between 4:30 pm and 9 am Monday-Friday or any time on the weekend or a holiday, please use the following:
Primary After Hours Medical Emergency Line: (925) 818-5355*
If you do not hear from the technician with the phone within 30 minutes (depending on the severity of the emergency), move to the backup line.
Backup After Hours Medical Emergency Line: (925) 296-3180*
*If the line is not picked up, please leave a message with what is occurring with the animal and your contact information.
Non-Emergency Symptoms
- Diarrhea (lasting more than 24 hours, unless animal is under 8 weeks of age)
- Sneezing (more than three times a day)
- Coughing (more than three times a day)
- Eyes are watery/goopy/red
- Limping
- Decreased appetite/weight loss
- Single episode of seizure
What to Do
Call the clinic at (925) 296-3125 Select Option 1 from the main menu and Option 1 to access the foster medical line (Monday-Friday, 9 am-4:30 pm) or email [email protected].
When emailing the clinic, please put the name of the foster in the subject line as well as the problem. (For example: “Foster dog, Taffy, coughing”). Please include “urgent” if needed (For example: “Foster cat, Sally, bloody diarrhea/lethargic, URGENT”).
They will return your call or email and make you a clinic appointment.
Emergency Symptoms
- Severe respiratory distress with gasping for air.
- Pregnant cat or dog while queening/whelping (Momma cat/dog has delivered at least one kitten/puppy, and not delivered another kitten/puppy within 45 minutes and still appears pregnant or in distress.)
- Vomiting (more than four times an hour)
- Possible broken limb
- Hit by car or blunt force trauma
- Inability to stand up
What to Do
Monday-Friday between 9 am-4:30 pm (excluding holidays)
Call the clinic at (925) 296-3125, select Option 1 from the main menu and Option 1 to access the foster medical line. Also email [email protected] to confirm that the call has been received and head to the facility.
After hours, on weekends, or on holidays
Call the foster after-hours cell phone number (925) 818-5355.
The backup emergency cell number is (925) 296-3180.
Do not go to any emergency clinic without the permission of an ARF representative.