• Cats and Kids

    Cats and Kids

    Ten Steps to Follow Choose the Right Cat Proper Introductions Safe Spaces Educate Make it Fun Keep it Safe Do Not Disturb Be a Good Role Model Kids are Not Responsible for the Cat Supervise, Supervise, Supervise

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  • Introducing a Cat to a New Territory

    Introducing a Cat to a New Territory

    Importance of Confinement The setting at the shelter, the car ride home, and meeting new people can add to your new cat’s stress levels. When introducing your cat into a new home, they’ll need time to adjust. Make the adjustment …

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  • Introducing a New Cat to a Resident Cat

    Introducing a New Cat to a Resident Cat

    Introducing a new cat to a household of existing cats can be a little tricky. With a bit of preparation and some time and patience you can ensure a smooth introduction and pave the way for peaceful inter-kitty relationships. When …

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  • Cat Body Language

    Cat Body Language

    Cat Body Language graphics courtesy of Lili Chin of doggiedrawings.net.

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  • Introducing a New Cat to a Resident Dog

    Introducing a New Cat to a Resident Dog

    When bringing a new cat into a home with an existing dog, taking a few precautionary measures and a bit of preparation can mean the difference between a future of peaceful inter-species cohabitation and years of strife. Plopping the two …

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  • Food and Resource Guarding (From People)

    Food and Resource Guarding (From People)

    Food or resource guarding is when a dog displays behavior meant to keep someone from taking away something very important to them. This is perfectly normal and natural behavior for a dog — like digging or barking.

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  • Recent Adoptions – Week of July 13

    Recent Adoptions – Week of July 13

    This week, 40 cats and dogs found loving homes! Thank you to everyone who adopted a new best friend. Adopters are invited to stay involved through events, programs, and more!

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  • Adoption Update – Ella & Teddy

    Adoption Update – Ella & Teddy

    “Our story began when we adopted Ella (formerly Diane) from ARF 2 months ago. We learned very quickly that Ella … “

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  • Recent Adoptions – Week of July 6

    Recent Adoptions – Week of July 6

    This week, 31 cats and dogs found loving homes! Thank you to everyone who adopted a new best friend. Adopters are invited to stay involved through events, programs, and more!

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  • Fostering a Dog with Heartworm

    Fostering a Dog with Heartworm

    Heartworms are worms that live in the heart and lungs of infected animals. Heartworm larvae are spread via mosquito bites, and heartworm disease can lead to…

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  • Adoption Update – Kira

    Adoption Update – Kira

    “Kira is such a smart and adaptive girl! She learns from all the people and animals she meets. For example, she learned from my roommate’s chihuahuas to be a good watchdog, she learned from my cat to be gentle with the new kitten…”

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  • Adoption Update – Violet

    Adoption Update – Violet

    “For years, I have had a desire to adopt another dog to join my family. In Feb 2022, I finally did it and I couldn’t be more grateful and happy with the decision…”

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