In This Edition
- Join Our Team as a Staff Member or Volunteer
- Happy Tails Adoption Updates
- Jenna’s Future Looks Bright
- How Veterans and Shelter Dogs Rescue Each Other
- A Whole New Dog: Egret’s Glow Up
- Tribute Gifts
- Community Programs Keep Pets Out of Shelters
- Upcoming ARF Events
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
-Margaret Mead
Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” It’s almost as if the quote was written with ARF, and all its accomplishments of the past 31 years, in mind.
Volunteers are essential to ARF’s accomplishments: from our first rescues to the establishment of the ARF Emergency Medical Fund®, from cross-country rescue operations to opening homes and fostering thousands of animals. As staff, we could not do our work without our volunteers. We are not two distinct teams, but one combined, unstoppable force. Together, the commitment, thoughtfulness, and empathy our volunteers and staff members show makes every challenge seem surmountable — not to mention a whole lot of fun.
After two-years of COVID-19 restrictions, we are thrilled to return to our active volunteer program and welcome new members once again. Many of the newest volunteers enrolled are Veterans, who have already given so much to our country. It’s deeply heartwarming to learn they are so eager to support the ARF community too.
Every life saved is the result of our collective team‘s passion to change the futures of the precious animals we rescue. For perfect examples of this, please check out Lavonte and Baki’s story on page seven and our community programs feature on page four. Every pet has a story, and their lives are forever changed because of the journey they experienced through our committed team.
As an ARF supporter, you too are with us every step of the way, giving second chances to dogs and cats facing uncertain futures. Together, we save lives.

Elena Bicker, ARF Executive Director