Petco Foundation Grant of $50,000 Will Extend Efforts to Save Lives Through Saving Both Ends of the Leash® Campaign
We’re excited to announced that we have been awarded a $50,000 grant from the Petco Foundation to support its Pets and Vets program expansion.
The Petco Foundation investment will help construct a 23,800-square-foot total expansion as part of ARF’s Saving Both Ends of the Leash® campaign. The growth will include the freestanding national headquarters for the Pets and Vets program, which matches specially selected rescue dogs with military veterans challenged with PTSD, anxiety, agoraphobia and other difficulties. In addition to the new building, ARF will enlarge the dog kennel area (resulting in an estimated 500 additional dogs saved each year), add a separate veterans’ area added to the ARF clinic, install all-weather training fields, increase energy efficiency through solar and more.

“Our friends at the Petco Foundation took the time to visit us and truly understand the life changing impact this program holds for both animals and veterans,” said Elena Bicker, our executive director. “They recognized the enormous potential this program has to save more lives nationally as we begin training shelters across the nation for program replication. With this generosity, we’re building a strong alliance of those dedicated to truly saving both ends of the leash.”
For more information about us visit our website or social media streams on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. For more on the Petco Foundation, visit and join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram by using the hashtag #PetcoFamily.
Our core mission is the rescue of dogs and cats who have run out of time at public shelters, giving them a chance at life until a new home can be found. ARF couples this focus with innovative programs strengthening the human-animal bond for children, seniors, veterans, and people in disadvantaged circumstances. Through us, people experience the unconditional love and acceptance of dogs and cats to fulfill a mission of “People Rescuing Animals…Animals Rescuing People®.”
At the Petco Foundation, we believe that every animal deserves to live its best life. Since 1999, we’ve invested more than $250 million in lifesaving animal welfare work to make that happen. With our more than 4,000 animal welfare partners, we inspire and empower communities to make a difference by investing in adoption and medical care programs, spay and neuter services, pet cancer research, service and therapy animals, and numerous other lifesaving initiatives. Through our Think Adoption First program, we partner with Petco stores and animal welfare organizations across the country to increase pet adoptions. So far, we’ve helped more than six million pets find their new loving families, and we’re just getting started. Visit to learn more about how you can get involved.